Hi, you can use variational inference only for continuous parameters. In variational inference, the goal is to minimise the KL-divergence from the variational distribution to the true posterior. For this, we use gradient based optimisation in Turing, which requires the computation of gradients.
However, you can reformulate a mixture model such that it contains only continuous parameters.
The following model runs using ADVI.
@model function gmm(x, K)
N = length(x)
μ ~ filldist(Normal(0,1), K)
w ~ Dirichlet(K, 1)
for i in 1:N
x[i] ~ MixtureModel(Normal, μ, w)
Alternatively, you could also use the arraydist
function, i.e.
@model function gmm(x, K)
N = length(x)
μ ~ filldist(Normal(0,1), K)
w ~ Dirichlet(K, 1)
x ~ arraydist(map(i -> MixtureModel(Normal, μ, w), 1:N))
Note that you might want to change the AD backend if you have a model with a lot of parameters. In this case it is probably not necessary, but for more involved models you might want to keep this in mind and possibly switch to a reverse mode AD. You can find details about this in the documentation of Turing.