Freezing problems with GENIE/Stipple whilst updating using ZMQ feed

Hi there

this is MY fault. I didn’t point out that the test data I sent has many phases to it. The issue comes when LAST messages are processed. They start at record 449


and carry on from there to the end of the csv. What you show in your clip is the dataframe set up we are using to put in static information.’ You would have to run the whole csv to MAYBE see the problem. I say maybe because it’s erratic. The machine has 128gb ram and about 72 cores running linux mint 20.3 I’d say this isn’t a maching/os problem.

**how do we open dev tools please? if you are referring to firefox dev tools then we have NO skills in that area. the whole reason we are looking at GENIE is to NOT do that."

I don’t know what you mean “I didn’t make the module static”

We don’t know when the app freezes, that’s the issue. There doesn’t seem to be any error in the logs, none raised in the code which keeps running. The web page just freezes until we hit the refresh ( I sent you the log in the last post which shows what happens when we refresh. It carries on for a while ( indeterminant) tnen just stops updating.

Right now this seems to be the same as before so the issue, from our perspective is no better.