Using emacs-jupyter mode for development

I am trying to use emacs-jupyter (+ eglot) and things are working nicely (including completion of functions, objects, showing help from company with company-show-doc-buffer and company-quickhelp, etc) but I have stumbled into some issues with completion of file names and I do not know if I am doing something wrong.

  1. When using includet or, completion using company does not include file names. It only shows directories. This happens in the *jupyter-repl* buffer and in the julia code buffer associated with the *jupyter-repl*. However, company shows file names in julia code buffers managed by eglot. (I am using also company in R, and in both the inferior R process and R code ESS buffers, company shows file names and directories. As well —though this does not use company— in the REPL itself, or in julia-repl, pressing tab shows file names; in a “regular iJulia notebook”, both includet and include as candidates also file names when using tab).

  2. When in shell mode (after typing “;”), completion of directories does not seem to work or it expands to names of functions, etc, but not directories; this happens, for example, when trying to cd to some directory. (This also happens in a “regular iJulia notebook”, not via emacs-jupyter, so I guess it is not specific to emacs-jupyter.)

  3. For shell model, using ~ seems not to work (this also happens in a “regular iJulia notebook” so I guess it is not specific to emacs-jupyter).

(In case it matters, I am not using org for this; simply jupyter-run-repl and jupyter-repl-associate-buffer in a .jl file, for example as explained here : Jupyter integration with emacs - #5 by ffevotte)

I have company-capf and company-files as company-backends (and, as I said, file names are shown in julia code buffers managed by eglot and in R/ESS for example).

Is there anything I can change to improve these completions?