Understanding recipes in Plots.jl



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Ok, thanks.

But any ideas how to get a global title?
I understand it is not implemented yet in Plots (although planned). I can simulate it with creating a small subplot on top that plots an annotation but that creates the dependency on @layout.
Does anyone have an idea how to simulate it in some other way (without creating a Plots dependency)?

Have you checked and tried the layout in the documentation?

If you are not after some fancy layout as in your example, you can use something like layout --> (2,2) to suggest a layout, which can be overridden later on by the user via the call plot(..., layout = @layout [...]).

I had a similar issue back then, which was that easy to fix.

Yes, I’m aware of that. Unfortunately this doesn’t suffice for me (unless there is some other way of simulating a global title).

Global title is an open issue, just waiting for someone to want it enough to implement it.