That’s because sol
is a special data structure (I think it should be plot(sol.t,sol[1,:])
In my case, I have played with 2 (or 3?) utility functions:
# Utility functions
# -- map solution function to output
function sol_2_out(sol,out,time=sol.t)
return [out(s) for s in sol.(time)]
# -- convert vector of samples to vector of timeseries
equal_lengths(v) = all(x->length(x)==length(first(v)), v)
function vec2vec(v)
equal_lengths(v) || error("The element vectors must have equal lengths.")
return [getindex.(v,i) for i in firstindex(v[1]):lastindex(v[1])]
This makes it simple to compute algebraic combinations of the solution of differential equations (without using DAE solvers):
# Output
out = s -> [s[1] + s[2],s[1]*s[2]]
y = sol_2_out(sol,out) |> vec2vec;
Here, y
doesn’t have the special data structure that sol
has. If I want to use another sampling rate:
tm = range(0.,10,length=10)
y = sol_2_out(sol,out,tm) |> vec2vec
This is convenient for, e.g., control engineers who want to plot the feedback control signal or an output, or if one wants to know, e.g., the reaction rate in a chemical reactor where the rate is a function of the states.
Maybe there is a simpler way to do this.