Turing.jl: fix some parameters to prior distribution

Great, so something like this:

@model bayes_sir(y) = begin
    # Calculate number of timepoints
    l = length(y)
    i₀  ~ Uniform(0.0,1.0)
    β = rand(Uniform(0.0,1.0))
    I = i₀*1000.0
    tspan = (0.0,float(l))
    prob = ODEProblem(sir_ode!,
    sol = solve(prob,
                saveat = 1.0)
    sol_C = Array(sol)[4,:] # Cumulative cases
    sol_X = sol_C[2:end] - sol_C[1:(end-1)]
    l = length(y)
    for i in 1:l
      y[i] ~ Poisson(sol_X[i])

and then use the trick from Is there a turing alternative to pm.Deterministic from pymc3? - #3 by torfjelde to keep track of the samples from beta?

There are a couple of applications I had in mind:

  1. For computational efficiency, when I know that a parameter has no influence on the likelihood.

  2. When the prior was estimated using some external source that I think is more reliable than my own data. For example, say I observe deaths in patients from treatments A and B. A clinical trial reports a hazard rate ratio (hr) for the effectiveness of A vs. B. I assume the likelihood is: deaths_a ~ Poisson(lambda * hr) and deaths_b ~ Poisson(lambda). I want to run inference on lambda but I want to leave hr unchanged from its prior.