Trying to solve a puzzle

Wait, you already created a model for this problem and solve it???

not a JuMP model, you can’t express this as a linear problem, and I don’t think it’s even a convex problem

just a few loops over the 1,000,000 possibilities and keeping the best arrangement

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I was thinking is it possible to put a @variable in for loop? For example:

Size = 2

    [h in houses],
    isCovered[h] <=
        isAntenna[r, c]
        for r in h[1] - Size:h[1] + Size, c in h[2] - Size:h[2] + Size
        if 1 <= r <= M && 1 <= c <= N

Is it possible to make Size to be Int @variable? ...and if not, why?

Is it possible to make Size to be Int @variable?


if not, why?

Sums have to be structural over a fixed number of elements. The values of the variables can change, but not the sparsity pattern of the summation.