Test for existence of a variable

It was neither ignored nor ridiculed. You got explained why the specific idea of not showing the local scope example would be bad from a pedagogical point of view. And as was also said “Adding a global scope example is fine”. So your main complaint seems to be that someone is opposing removing a (allgedly useful) piece of documentation.

It’s hard to understand what you actually want / what you are dissatisfied with…


Yes, that last concession “Adding a global scope example is fine” [which I did appreciate] I didn’t see until after my post. Also, I do see some commits now. It is nice to know that my contribution has been worth something. I do appreciate having my voice being heard.

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No, it was in the first comment to the PR:


Edit: Comment I responded to got edited so now the text above is out of context.

You should also be prepared to have your voice ignored and your ideas or work critiqued whenever the case by others. Its painful but the only way to move things forward. Just saying :wink:


I want to throw my $0.02 here as someone who struggles with a similar problem. I feel some sympathy for both sides of this debate. On the one hand I am an economist, not a programmer, so many of the suggestions I see are over my head. I spend a huge amount of time learning Julia and other things necessary like Git, for example, but that can be overwhelming. There is a lot to learn. On the other hand, I have great admiration for the people who created Julia and the people who contribute to it and/or to Discourse, and would be the last person to say they are not interested in engaging non-expert.

I am writing a book (a critique of economic theory) targeted at the intelligent layman, not to economists. I soon realized that what I was writing was incomprehensible to the layman. I was always slipping into writing things that are trivial for economists and incomprehensible or too esoteric for the layman. So I hired a person to read what I write and observe her reaction to it. It works, but it goes slowly, and is expensive.

I think the situation is analogous with Julia. The experts in this forum are so far ahead of the beginner that they find it difficult to imagine the obstacles the beginner faces when trying to follow what for the experts are obvious instructions. It is all obvious to them. But there are people who do not even know about Git and Github, and the instructions will be over their heads. And there are many people who are somewhere between these two extremes of knowledge and ignorance. I am one of them. In particular, even though I do not have much problem with basic Julia syntax, I struggle with things like pull requests and environments, which are not part of the language itself. I do not know how to do a pull request. I tried to learn but gave up among other reasons because I am afraid I could break some code on Github.

In my view nobody is to blame. It is a difficult problem. Those who do not know have to learn and those who know have to continue explaining.

My only suggestion is: more step-by-step examples.