Symbolic sqrt(2) and sin(pi)

If I may ask: What is the purpose of wrapping the inputs in [ ]? Why not just Term(sqrt, 2), which seems to give the same results, but is dramatically faster?

jl> @btime Term(sqrt, big(2))
  54.888 ns (3 allocations: 56 bytes)

jl> @btime Term(sqrt, [big(2)])
  742.268 ns (8 allocations: 344 bytes)

jl> @btime Term(sqrt, 2)
  6.200 ns (1 allocation: 16 bytes)

jl> @btime Term(sqrt, [2])
  781.111 ns (6 allocations: 304 bytes)

When you use eval(toexpr()) the speed difference is small, but is there any difference in meaning?

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