Survey on how you use Julia

And here are the results:

Almost all respondents (consciously) use Revise, with the next most common being JuliaFormatter, and then very surprisingly LocalRegistry!

By far the most common way to use Julia is from inside an editor/IDE using local packages. Scripting is fairly common, and (in the discourse userbase, see below for demographics) literate programming is not so common.


In the “describe your workflow in more detail” part, quite a few people mentioned Vim, Emacs, or Sublime with a code runner that sends lines to an external REPL/terminal window, usually with a splitscreen tmux setup.

Finally, hot damn y’all are Julia addicts. Luckily, this survey is not supposed to be a representative sample of how Julia is used, only of how more experienced, package developer-leaning members use Julia, which is how I view Discourse and Slack.