Stopping code if a given RAM limit is reached

Thank you for your comments. I found a solution which works fine for me on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04), however, it could be possibly improved. The main idea is to access the file /proc/self/stat , and read the actual memory consumption from that file. E.g.,

function get_mem_use()
    f = open( "/proc/self/stat" )
    s = read( f, String )
    vsize = parse( Int64, split( s )[23] )
    mb = Int( ceil( vsize / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) )
    return mb

returns the virtual memory size in MB (see also: here). It would be nice to call that function on a regular basis in background which I did not achieve yet. However, calling it at critical points in the code is a nice work-around.