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  Defines an Defines a steady state ODE problem. Documentation Page:

  Mathematical Specification of a Steady State Problem

  To define an Steady State Problem, you simply need to give the function f which defines the ODE:

  \frac{du}{dt} = f(u,p,t)

  and an initial guess u_0 of where f(u,p,t)=0. f should be specified as f(u,p,t) (or in-place as f(du,u,p,t)), and u₀
  should be an AbstractArray (or number) whose geometry matches the desired geometry of u. Note that we are not
  limited to numbers or vectors for u₀; one is allowed to provide u₀ as arbitrary matrices / higher dimension tensors
  as well.

  Note that for the steady-state to be defined, we must have that f is autonomous, that is f is independent of t. But
  the form which matches the standard ODE solver should still be used. The steady state solvers interpret the f by
  fixing t=0.

solve result is not same as document description, “The steady state solvers interpret the f by fixing t=0.”