Check this post.
First do p.spmap
to see what you’ve got. In case of p = corrplot(...)
there are 16 subplots (4x4):
julia> p.spmap
Dict{Any, Plots.Subplot} with 16 entries:
Symbol("##976") => Subplot{4}
Symbol("##980") => Subplot{8}
Symbol("##988") => Subplot{16}
Symbol("##983") => Subplot{11}
Symbol("##986") => Subplot{14}
Symbol("##978") => Subplot{6}
Symbol("##979") => Subplot{7}
Symbol("##984") => Subplot{12}
Symbol("##974") => Subplot{2}
⋮ => ⋮
To access the ylims
of a given subplot, do:
julia> ylims(p.spmap[Symbol("##976")])
(1.5123100000000003, 1.51233)