Here’s an example of static compilation, adapted from the instructions here. A small program requiring GC compiles to 18 MB on my Linux machine (libc x86_64).
First, I install the Julia nightly channel:
#> juliaup add nightly
Then I cloned the Julia git repo to get the juliac scripts:
#> git clone
Here’s a small program try.jl
which stores the squares of the numbers 1, 2, … ,100 into a dictionary (GC is needed for this data structure). Then it prints out the value for the key 10.
module Try
Base.@ccallable function main()::Cint
square_dict = Dict(i => i^2 for i in 1:100)
println(Core.stdout, square_dict[10])
return 0
end # End of module Try
I compile the program with
#> julia +nightly julia/contrib/juliac.jl --output-exe try --experimental --trim try.jl
This took about 22 seconds and produced the binary try
with a size 18 MB. Executing the produced binary took about 37 milliseconds.
#> time ./try
real 0m0.037s
user 0m0.014s
sys 0m0.027s
P.S. since this is experimental stuff, it goes without saying that the information could become outdated very quickly.