Some eigenpairs from a large, sparse, nonsymmetric matrix: Julia vs Matlab

With SuiteSparse merged into SparseArrays, UMFPACK.umf_ctrl doesn’t appeared defined? How would one do this now?

Refinement is now (Julia v1.9) omitted by default in sparse LU; see this issue for discussion.

It can be enabled by setting element JL_UMFPACK_IRSTEP in the default table returned by get_umfpack_control() (both are in SparseArrays.UMFPACK). The old value was 2.0.


This is great information, but we need to be very careful about looking at MATLAB source code. It is not free (libre) to copy from.

I would advise anyone trying to implement Krylov-Schur methods not to look at eigs.m.

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