Setting ApproxFun Space , tried several tricks but still receive **ERROR: LoadError: Cannot infer spaces** – specifically when using GeneralizedGenerated.jl for Generalized generated functions

Already done, including differentiation:

julia> P = Jacobi(0.1,0.2)

julia> @time P[range(-1,1;length=1000),1:1000] # 1000x1000 Vandermonde matrix
  0.009533 seconds (4.03 k allocations: 7.723 MiB)
1000×1000 Array{Float64,2}:
 1.0  -1.2      1.32     -1.408    1.4784   -1.53754  1.58879  -1.63418  1.67504  -1.71226   …  -4.33032    4.33119     -4.33206     4.33293     -4.3338       4.33467     -4.33554
 1.0  -1.1977   1.31274  -1.39289  1.45237  -1.4974   1.53128  -1.55598  1.57277  -1.58255      -0.100404   0.111146    -0.121432    0.131222    -0.140477     0.149161    -0.157239
 1.0  -1.1954   1.30549  -1.37784  1.42656  -1.4578   1.47486  -1.47976  1.47385  -1.45815      -0.156531   0.157461    -0.157131    0.155542    -0.152711     0.14866     -0.143423
 1.0  -1.19309  1.29826  -1.36287  1.40097  -1.41873  1.41952  -1.40548  1.37819  -1.3389       -0.0688575  0.0554815   -0.0414527   0.0269404   -0.0121192   -0.00283266   0.0177356
 1.0  -1.19079  1.29104  -1.34798  1.37561  -1.38018  1.36523  -1.33312  1.28573  -1.22467      -0.074041   0.0859243   -0.0964202   0.105362    -0.112608     0.118045    -0.121586
 1.0  -1.18849  1.28384  -1.33315  1.35047  -1.34216  1.31198  -1.26265  1.1964   -1.11533   …  -0.0216154  0.00553179   0.0106463  -0.0265952    0.0419959   -0.0565408    0.0699398
 ⋮                                           ⋮                                               ⋱                           ⋮                                                 
 1.0   1.09079  1.12737   1.13802  1.13063   1.10867  1.07422   1.02876  0.97354   0.909709  …   0.067262   0.074961     0.0814524   0.0866333    0.0904222    0.0927598    0.0936102
 1.0   1.09309  1.13425   1.15179  1.15349   1.14272  1.12136   1.09064  1.05154   1.00487       0.0370578  0.0263838    0.0154038   0.00424984  -0.00694394  -0.0180431   -0.0289146
 1.0   1.0954   1.14115   1.16562  1.17656   1.17726  1.16946   1.15424  1.13237   1.10444       0.115428   0.11449      0.112636    0.109883     0.106253     0.101777     0.0964897
 1.0   1.0977   1.14807   1.17952  1.19984   1.21228  1.21854   1.21959  1.21611   1.20853       0.0894469  0.0962089    0.102579    0.108532     0.114045     0.119096     0.123666
 1.0   1.1      1.155     1.1935   1.22334   1.2478   1.2686    1.28672  1.30281   1.31728       2.09594    2.09615      2.09636     2.09657      2.09678      2.09699      2.0972

julia> D = Derivative(axes(P,1));

julia> (D*P)[range(-1,1; length=1000),1:1000] # 1000x1000 derivative collocation matrix
(1000×999 view(::Jacobi{Float64}, -1.0:0.002002002002002002:1.0, 1:999) with eltype Float64) * (999×1000 view(::BandedMatrices.BandedMatrix{Float64,Adjoint{Float64,InfiniteArrays.InfStepRange{Float64,Float64}},InfiniteArrays.OneToInf{Int64}}, 1:999, 1:1000) with eltype Float64):
 0.0  1.15  -3.63     7.568    -13.0592  20.1802  -28.9954  39.5608  -51.9261  66.136   -82.2312  …      1.78935e6     -1.79331e6       1.79727e6     -1.80124e6       1.80521e6
 0.0  1.15  -3.6229   7.53154  -12.9472  19.9131  -28.451   38.5645  -50.2406  63.4521  -78.1577     -2492.57        2366.12        -2230.06        2084.93        -1931.3
 0.0  1.15  -3.6158   7.49514  -12.8356  19.6481  -27.913   37.5841  -48.5907  60.8401  -74.2189       123.465       -279.471         433.396       -584.002         730.08
 0.0  1.15  -3.60869  7.45882  -12.7246  19.3852  -27.3813  36.6196  -46.9759  58.2986  -70.4114      1187.1        -1221.03         1240.32       -1244.72         1234.16
 0.0  1.15  -3.60159  7.42257  -12.6141  19.1243  -26.8558  35.6708  -45.3957  55.8262  -66.7321      -605.409        504.391        -395.189        279.546        -159.308
 0.0  1.15  -3.59449  7.3864   -12.5041  18.8655  -26.3365  34.7374  -43.8495  53.4217  -63.178   …    802.793       -783.992         749.469       -699.899         636.262
 ⋮                                        ⋮                                               ⋮       ⋱      ⋮                                                        
 0.0  1.15   3.43659  6.85739   11.3677  16.8875   23.3057  30.4844   38.2618  46.4568   54.8727  …   -363.761       -279.673        -191.019        -99.2159         -5.73067
 0.0  1.15   3.44369  6.89249   11.4722  17.1292   23.7846  31.3366   39.663   48.6237   58.0633       920.209        929.935         928.495        915.895         892.276
 0.0  1.15   3.4508   6.92767   11.5771  17.3729   24.2694  32.2034   41.0958  50.8533   61.369        288.345        399.365         507.296        611.27          710.452
 0.0  1.15   3.4579   6.96293   11.6826  17.6186   24.7601  33.0849   42.5609  53.1468   64.7926     -1531.18       -1425.78        -1314.56       -1197.96        -1076.45
 0.0  1.15   3.465    6.99825   11.7885  17.8663   25.2567  33.9812   44.0586  55.5055   68.3371         9.44618e5      9.46611e5  948607.0            9.50605e5  952605.0

(Don’t ask why the collocation matrix is left lazy… it can be materialised but takes 4s right now, could be sped up to roughly 0.01s pretty easily though.)


WOW that was a Fast response , :+1: :sunglasses: Thank You again Sheehan @dlfivefifty !