@schedule considered harmful

After thinking more about it, I think I now see the purpose of this architecture, and it is indeed very interesting and appealing.

I’m not able to visualize how to apply it to blocking I/O problems, though. Say you have a game that reads the keyboard for input, and you implement it like this, Julia-style, in pseudocode:

create a channel;

@async while True
        k = read keyboard # this blocks until a key is pressed
        put!(k,channel)  # put the key in the channel

# main game loop
function run_game()
    while True
        do game stuff;
        yield();  # give the async task a chance to run (a goto in disguise!)
        if channel is not empty
            k = take!(channel)
            take action required by k


With this approach, the code to read the keyboard runs asynchronously but I don’t expect it to ever complete! If I put it in a nursery inside run_game, then the game will block forever. Maybe the solution is to put both in a “top-level” nursery?