I don’t have a working PyCall to hand, but with PythonCall the following works fine, and I’d expect PyCall to work just the same:
julia> @everywhere using PythonCall
julia> @time pmap(1:4) do i
__main__, time = pyimport("__main__", "time")
time.sleep(4 - i)
__main__.foo = myid()
i => __main__.foo
4.284934 seconds (268.97 k allocations: 14.611 MiB, 3.89% compilation time)
4-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Py}}:
1 => 5
2 => 2
3 => 3
4 => 4
In this code, each iteration sleeps for a total of 4 seconds, but sets __main__.foo
to the worker ID at a different time, then returns __main__.foo
at the end. The total run-time is just over 4 seconds so they are indeed in parallel. Since they return different numbers, they are running separate interpreters (if they were running the same interpreter, __main__.foo
would be the same number in all workers.)