Run multiple python instances with pycall in different threads

I don’t have a working PyCall to hand, but with PythonCall the following works fine, and I’d expect PyCall to work just the same:

julia> @everywhere using PythonCall

julia> @time pmap(1:4) do i
           __main__, time = pyimport("__main__", "time")
           time.sleep(4 - i)
  = myid()
           i =>
  4.284934 seconds (268.97 k allocations: 14.611 MiB, 3.89% compilation time)
4-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Py}}:
 1 => 5
 2 => 2
 3 => 3
 4 => 4

In this code, each iteration sleeps for a total of 4 seconds, but sets to the worker ID at a different time, then returns at the end. The total run-time is just over 4 seconds so they are indeed in parallel. Since they return different numbers, they are running separate interpreters (if they were running the same interpreter, would be the same number in all workers.)