RFC: Language Support for Traits — Yay or Nay?

Fair. The distinction seemed pedantic—if we remove the bottom Union{}, then it’s a tree. But it does have the machinery and the bone structure, and if there were a way to make a type subtype multiple types then the lattice could fill out more richly. In some sense, it’s almost begging for multiple inheritance.

My thought was that it would reduce complexity. Namely, by specifying that each lattice is unrelated/orthogonal (there is no partial order between them), then each lattice could maintain the simplicity of single-inheritance. Multiple-inheritance would be expressed as subtyping strictly unrelated types from orthogonal hierarchies. Then, keeping track of how types interact would be straightforward: the Intersection of types from these unrelated hierarchies would always be irreducible.

It’s sort of like being a good/bad student, and being popular/unpopular on the dating scene: it might be easiest to express these as two independent groupings.

If there’s a nice way to express this on a single lattice, while keeping complexity controlled, I’m open to ideas. I’m not married to any of my ideas here.

I think you misunderstood the idea. The idea was simply to check the method signature against the function’s existing methods every time a method is declared, and if it creates an ambiguity, then throw an error and don’t declare the method. This will force the programmer to place method declarations in an order such that there is never an ambiguity.

A risk is that it could cause some valid signatures to be impossible to declare; I haven’t thought through all the possibilities to know if that could happen.

Even with such a feature though, it wouldn’t solve the problem that @tim.holy elaborates here. It would help me, as an individual author, avoid ambiguities in my own code (and my own method extensions), but loading other packages could cause breakage. This seems to be part of the blessing of the Holy trait pattern: its poor extensibility helps avoid breakage; by being less composable in the short run, it’s more composable in the long run.