I actually don’t think traits are the right solution for this one. I think this is better addressed by instead making it easier to use 1-based indices to access containers without 1-based indices, so that 1-based indexing can be considered “generic” again.
One idea is to make a 1-based index type, as illustrated by the OrdinalIndexing.jl package: e.g., v[1st]
, v[2nd]
, v[(1:5)th]
. Such indices offer a 1-based indexing assurance.
Another idea is to make a 1-based indexing view, as @DNF ponders in this post: e.g. OneBasedView(v)[1:5]
. This seems inconvenient, but to illustrate how it’s not so bad: you could write a function like this:
hermitian!(A) = let A = OneBasedView(A), (m, n) = size(A)
m == n || error("Matrix must be square")
@inbounds for i = 1:m, j = i:n
A[i, j] = A[i, j] + A[j, i]'
A[j, i] = A[i, j]'
Notice that OneBasedView
is called only once at the top, and the rest of the function accesses A
through this view.
These possibilities are also pondered in this thread.