Response to Pkg.jl and Julia Environments for Beginners by Jules

  1. No, the release happens by storing any commit of your choice in the registry. This is what the JuliaRegistrator bot is for, once you’ve enabled it you just comment @JuliaRegistrator register on some commit in your repo. An example from Makie here: up versions (#2198) · JuliaPlots/Makie.jl@0252621 · GitHub

  2. dev tracks the code in the folder you specify, which means you can edit it and Revise will reload the code, etc. add copies the repository to some internal Julia folder where it sits in read-only mode. I almost never add local repositories.

  3. The manifest format that can specify the Julia version was only added in 1.6. If you have an older manifest, or if you have a newer manifest where the Julia version is specified, but you use an even newer Julia version, you will get such warnings. You can call Pkg.upgrade_manifest(), I think, to write the new Julia version you’re using into the manifest to silence that warning. In principle, a newer Julia version should not be a problem because no code for Julia 1.n should break in 1.n+1 (unless it uses internals of course…). If you use a lower Julia version, it could of course be that it’s no longer compatible.