Push! to reshape-d vector unshares data with parent array

This does seem like an intentional design choice because reshapeing Arrays does not use the wrapper ReshapedArray. However, consider these counterexamples to the two points of your understanding:

  • The shared data error is not thrown if you made views or forced a ReshapedArray, even with the much more disruptive insert!. The flags.how protection might be limited to Arrays.
julia> x = zeros(2); y = reshape(x, 1, 2)
1×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.0  0.0

julia> push!(x, 7.0)
ERROR: cannot resize array with shared data

julia> x = zeros(2); y = view(x, 1:1)
1-element view(::Vector{Float64}, 1:1) with eltype Float64:

julia> push!(x, 7.0); insert!(x, 1, 1.0); y # y is corrupted!
1-element view(::Vector{Float64}, 1:1) with eltype Float64:

julia> x = zeros(2); y = Base.ReshapedArray(x, (1,2), ())
1×2 reshape(::Vector{Float64}, 1, 2) with eltype Float64:
 0.0  0.0

julia> push!(x, 7.0); insert!(x, 1, 1.0); y # y is corrupted!
1×2 reshape(::Vector{Float64}, 1, 2) with eltype Float64:
 1.0  0.0
  • When you reshape an Array to the same shape, you just reuse the instance, the ultimate sharing. Of course, push! does not reallocate. It could be a hassle to check whether reshape made a separate instance or not to keep the variables’ behavior consistent during mutations.
julia> x = zeros(2); y = reshape(x, 2);

julia> x === y

julia> push!(y, 7.0); x === y # x seems corrupted if you didn't check