Programming languages with only global scope?

I think he meant that you should be asking, or to look it up. It’s not a philosophical question, it’s a real, practical problem that countries deal with, and they solve it in various ways; e.g. social security numbers, national identity numbers, using unique identifiers like fingerprints/irises, etc. The first step for you is to maybe ask how the world is as it is now :smile:

Sure… until I use the same sentence twice in my 1000 page documentation. Then your imaginary natural language compiler crashes because I repeated a “variable name”.

There is no such thing as an oOo compiler, because you haven’t written one. It’s a dream. No one knows what it is or how it would work, because it doesn’t exist.


His English is better than yours, for the record.
Also, why not use Spanish, or Mandarin? More people speak those natively than english. Or maybe we can come with a set of “shortened commands” for operations we’re interested in having computers perform instead of writing “seven plus eleven” each time I want that, or going through the tedious process of describing a matrix product, for example. And then maybe after I write a set of those commands, a program could compile them into machine code that computers could then run. I don’t know maybe that’s too revolutionary…

What prevents people from understanding what your philosophy is about is a lack of clarity from you. Not their ingrained ideas, or patterns of thought, or stubbornness, or lack of imagination, or lack of enlightenment, or incorrect approach. You don’t even seem to know what it is… I checked out the repository and it just seems like a bunch of babble. A series of thoughts that don’t go anywhere or deliver anything. To be honest it made me a bit worried about you, but I guess you seem ok :sweat_smile:

There you go again, calling everything anyone has ever thought of (except you) “trash”. Alienating, simplistic, and inflammatory all in the same sentence!

Prove it, I guess?

This discussion is not producing anything positive, closing it now.