[pre-ANN] RingStarProblems.jl ⸺ A RSPSolver

Patch release v0.1.6

:white_check_mark: As mentioned in issue #11 the solver is now optimizer agnostic!
:white_check_mark: Currently supports GLPK and Gurobi
:white_check_mark: Bug fixes
:white_check_mark: RingStarProblems.jl is not “an empty” package anymore, see here.
:white_check_mark: some GitHub workflows successfully added (CI.yml, and TagBot.yml)

According to JuMP manual, the supported solver for Lazy Constraints Callbacks are:

  • CPLEX, GLPK, Xpress, Gurobi

Next patch objectives: v0.1.7

Next minor release objective v0.2.0

Any feedback is most welcome :smiley:

I was able to precompile and using the package on another computer today, plus lauching the README Usage for the first time with this patch release, let me know if this is also the case for you :heart: