Pkg & activation

OK – Pkg.status() tells me that I’m in the local directory!!

C:\Users\Bernt\OneDrive\...\Notebooks\Project.toml` (empty project)

This is so, even though I did not do Pkg.activate(".")!!

  • So this implies that (at least when I run Jupyter Notebooks in VSCode), command Pkg.activate(".") is not needed – it will always first search for the *.toml files locally!
  • If there is no *.toml files locally, it will go to the global environment and use the *.toml files there.

This also implies that I can not use my strategy of having multiple related notebooks in one directory where one of them uses a local environment! (Unless I explicitly specify the global environment in every notebook that do not use the local one?)

Perhaps I misunderstand the role of Pkg.activate()… I thought that was meant to specify what is the active environment, and if unspecified, the global environment is used. But instead, it seems to just be to activate the creation of local *.toml files??