using your example, it would be
using ComponentArrays
using UnPack
p = ComponentArray(α=0.1, β=0.2, γ=0.3)
function f2(x; p=p)
@unpack α, β, γ = p
return x^(α) + x^(β) + x^(γ)
I also like to organize the parameters inside the ComponentArray, for example:
using ComponentArrays
using UnPack
# full model
function model(p; data=data)
@unpack p1, p2 = p
@unpack data1, data2 = data
# component 1
r1 = f1(p1; data=data1)
# component 2
r2 = f2(p2; data=data2)
return sum(r1 .* r2)
function f1(p1; data=data)
@unpack α, β = p1
@unpack x, y = data
α .* x + β .* y
function f2(p2; data=data)
@unpack γ, ψ = p2
@unpack x, y = data
γ[1] .* x[:, 1] + γ[2] .* x[:, 2] + ψ .* y
data = ComponentArray(data1 = (x = rand(100), y = rand(100)),
data2 = (x = rand(100, 2), y = rand(100)))
p = ComponentArray(p1 = (α = 1.0, β = 0.5),
p2 = (γ = [10.0, 15.0], ψ = 11.0))
model(p; data=data)