On type annotations

My current sense is that while the above is the intention, the proposed solution of a left hand type assertion, binding the variable to the type, also has the effect of inviting conversion when it is not desired.

In a prior discussion, a @returnassert macro was developed to just assert the return type of a function, without any implicit conversion.

The above line invites implicit conversion. A macro that rewrites all left-hand assertions to be as follows or lowers the left-hand assertions and then removes the conversions might be a more appropriate tool for static typing.

    other = calculate_other_struct(value, obj, vec)

Here we ensure both that

  1. other does not change type
  2. The right hand side also does not change type.

What I imagine with the large number of structs is there actually may be a need to convert between the structs and thus unintentional conversion could be a real issue for these structs, not just numeric types.

In summary, my thought here is that we need another tool here other than the left-hand variable assertion or the function return type assertion. In the near term, this may mean a specialized macro, like the referenced @returnassert to accomplish this goal without the implicit conversion side effects. In the long term, we may need a different kind of type assertion or assignment syntax.

Somewhat missing from the discussion are the use of type parameters to both enforce expectations and provide flexibility.