Match LLVM with Julia source?

Thanks for the help! Using these techniques plus poring over GDB, I have tracked down the exact location of the ReadOnlyMemoryError() in my code, but I still don’t know what is causing it. It appears to be a bug either in the Julia run-time system or the LLVM run-time system.

My code (0.6.2) looks like this:

            if whichderiv == -1
            elseif whichderiv == 0
            elseif whichderiv == 1
            elseif whichderiv == 2
            elseif whichderiv == 3
                @assert false

This compiles into a switch statement in LLVM:

  switch i64 %1053, label %L888 [
    i64 -1, label %if202
    i64 0, label %if313
    i64 1, label %if314
    i64 2, label %if315
    i64 3, label %if338

This compiles to the following native code, which has a jump-table in it:

        movq    -48(%rbp), %rax
        leaq    1(%rax,%r15), %rax
        cmpq    $4, %rax
        ja      L16870
        movabsq $140732104772572, %rcx  # imm = 0x7FFEBF1D0BDC
        movslq  (%rcx,%rax,4), %rax
        addq    %rcx, %rax
        movq    -360(%rbp), %r15
        jmpq    *%rax

And the problem is that the jump-table entries are corrupted, so that the jmpq statement lands in never-never land. It is already corrupted as soon as the routine starts for the first time post-compilation, so apparently my code is not to blame. The offsets in the table look reasonable relative to one another, but they are offsets with respect to the wrong base address. This problem is inconsistent; it is in Linux but not Windows, and seemingly trivial changes to how I run my code fix the problem (but there are other suspicious errors later).

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