Makie: align y axes at the origin (y=0) for different y ranges

Thanks! I wanted to hear something like that.

Okay, I have to set the limits manually, but I’d like to utilize the “machinery” that Makie already has, as much as possible.

I’ve found another thread in this forum (see the link at the bottom) and am exploring the idea:

using CairoMakie
xs = 0:(pi/16):pi
co = cos.(xs)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
lines!(ax, xs, co)
rect = ax.finallimits[]
yorg = rect.origin[2]
ywid = rect.widths[2]
ytop =  # use yorg and ywid 
ybot = # use yorg and ywid
ylims!(ax, ybot, ytop)

But, what are these values? rect.widths[2] turns out to be 10 . . .