List of most desired features for Julia v1.x

Can you quote a single person who is against it? I can’t. It’s just understandably not high on most people’s priority list, since it doesn’t actually effect language usage and most people aren’t compiling code from dynamic languages. Sure, it will be more useful from Julia than other languages, but the ability to use an interactive language non-interactively just doesn’t affect most people.

Jeff mentioned something about automatically binding functions which would fix this. I am not sure if this would actually be breaking though (?), so it might be fine for a minor release instead of 1.0.

Docker? Not sure why people are suggesting that executables are the answer to this when we have much more modern tools for handling scientific reproduciblility issues than “smash it all into a binary that humans can’t read”. @ExpandingMan sums it up pretty nicely.

Plots.jl doesn’t precompile and it lazy loads backends, so it’s not the same at all. These became big issues with some of the changes due to v0.6. There are fixes in the works, like

Differentiation between Base and user code was brought up in conversations at JuliaCon and is an interesting topic. Julia is written in Julia, so it uniquely has this problem. A mode to make the debugger ignore Base would be helpful in many cases.

Yes. BinDeps2 was brought up as a Julia 1.x goal in Stefan’s talk.

Did the 265 fix not do this?

@Keno knows about the debugger issues. I think lately he was pretty busy making Julia enter the list of languages which have achieved petascale (what else has? C, C++, Fortran, and Assembler? @dpsanders made a good point that it’s probably a short list).

Again? Why type instability? - #8 by ChrisRackauckas

Notice that @oxinabox’s example is very close to how factorize works, except branching off of the matrix type. It’s a feature, though the ability to turn on additional checks would be nice.

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