Julia vs R vs Python

Thanks for the reply.

I totally get it. But if speed is the main concern check this benchmark too…


And there could be many more such benchmarks. I don’t want to go that side of equation.

All I am saying that different languages have different advantages.

GOLANG can build a single binary that can run on any platform without the need of any nginx server.

Javascript can let you run code on the clients computer that saves a whole lot load from servers.

C can do system level programming

Assembly languages are necessary to talk to hardwares.

And R can create shiny or flexdashboards and rmarkdown reports in seconds and remove dependency on tableau or SAS like software’s. It’s the only glue languages that has almost every thing imported from different languages like c, java, node, js, python and julia too… Where a language not used for building desktop software or huge websites like apps is still under top 20 of most popular language.

Please respect all languages. I know Julia is a great language and have to potential of being the best. But till we are not on that platform. We should stop these r vs python vs Julia debate and just focus on what’s important.

I would be very happy if we together would be able to make it. Because I too am invested in the language now. But its a long road and when my boss asks for a dashboard by end of the day I still have to go to R. Time lines are important too. It’s a dependency I still have.

Some of the people in Julia are still using python and R for obvious reasons.

Let move together until we can surely say we have a full ecosystem to compete against all those packages and all those arguments. Not just one or two major points.

I wish I could convince you that I promote Julia with all the new comers I meet. Telling them that if you haven’t picked sides yet choose julia. But deep down I know for some ad hoc instantaneous work I still have to go to R.

Please let me know if you have anything similar to shiny, r markdown flex dashboards and visualisation and stuff. That is what I am looking for in a language and in search of it. I have learned golang, julia, javascript d3.

Until I don’t find a use case its hard to adopt it completely

So happy analyzing. stay positive and stay healthy
