Julia v1.7.3 has been released

After upgrading from v1.7.2 to v1.7.3, one of my scripts produced an error:

ERROR: LoadError: InitError: Artifact “OpenBLAS32” was not installed correctly. Try using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate() to re-install all missing resources.

The problem was indeed gone after I ran Pkg.instantiate(). I was under the global environment, not any project-specific virtual environment. I don’t know if this was actually due to the version upgrade.

I am currently on 1.6.6 and I would like to install 1.7.3 on the same machine. What about the packages? Should I save the ones in .julia and reinstall for 1.7.3? Or do 1.6.6 and 1.7.3 can share the current packages stored in .julia?

They share the packages on the disk, though not the environment. But you can copy over that easily, take .julia/environments/v1.6 and copy the contents to .julia/environments/v1.7 to make sure your new default environment has the same packages added.

According to my limited understanding it works like this:

Different versions of julia share .julia/packages. If you now install 1.7.3 (and have 1.6.x but no other 1.7.x), then a new environment .julia/environments/v1.7 is created. Initially there are no packages in v.1.7, you need to add them (with ] add packxxx). If a package has a new version which works only in v1.7 and higher then this will automatically get updated (into .julia/packages) while still retaining also the version for v1.6.

By just copying the environment one misses these possible package updates, I believe, and I recommend to add in v1.7 manually whenever something is missing.

When you decide to move for good to v1.7, then you can delete .julia/environments/v1.6. Packages which are needed only for v1.6, but not higher, i.e. obsolete packages, will then still hang around a while but eventually get automatically deleted by the package garbage collector.

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Julia 1.7.3 is now also available via the unstable channels of the Nix package manager via julia_17-bin (julia_17-bin: 1.7.2 -> 1.7.3 by rikhuijzer · Pull Request #174708 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub).

Would suggest to copy only Project.toml from v1.6 to v1.7, then do
]instantiate (or import Pkg; Pkg.instantiate() ). Or possibly just ]up (or import Pkg; Pkg.update() ), which will also update to latest versions of packages.

IMHO not including Manifest.toml alleviate two issues, first is carrying (indirect dependencies) packages specific to one Julia version to the other, and second is change of Manifest format to v2.

Hope this help


The v1.7.3 git tag actually did exist for nearly a month prior to this announcement; the release (which includes available binaries, an announcement, etc.) was delayed for a number of reasons. The date in the REPL banner always reflects the date of the tag and I set the date on the downloads page of the website to match that, but unfortunately I can’t back-date Discourse posts.

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jill will:
  1) install Julia 1.8.0-rc1 for mac-x86_64 into /Applications
  2) make symlinks in /Users/zhangdeliang/.local/bin
You may need to manually add /Users/zhangdeliang/.local/bin to PATH

How to manually add /Users/zhangdeliang/.local/bin to PATH?

I’ve closed this thread. Announcements are meant to be low volume so that people can subscribe to the category and only get infrequent, important notifications, and all the chatter in the category is really undermining that. In the future we will preemptively close all release announcement threads and ask that people file issues in GitHub for any problems with new releases (or if GitHub is not accessible to you, create a new discourse thread linking to the release announcement). For questions about updating Julia, please refer to one of the many previous discussions of how to do that.