Julia as first language

I think more about something like this, when I speak about literate programming.

Yep. :+1:t3:
As mentioned in the post that is linked further up, do I welcome the changes that are coming with JuliaSyntax. I consider them very fundamental to my choice of Julia as a programming language. :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel that JuliaSyntax does improve the situation significantly, and I am very thankful for it. :tada:

We have a post about this. Making Revise the default?

Well, it works somewhat ok. Some other user said the vscode extension is quite buggy for him, when used together with the notebook. I get compile times of 6 seconds for a simple function.

The person has commented, that it seems like the vscode extension is not purposefully checked to work with the Jupyter extension.

I am sure, thatโ€™s a small issue. As most of what I deem to be important.

And I did not say otherwise. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just like to understand if there is a mindset present among the community, that feels dedicated to introduce people to programming.

And I do think that large parts of Julia is indeed very welcoming.
Otherwise, I wouldnโ€™t be here. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just think there could be made some improvements, to further strengthen that feature.
And I simply like to understand, if the goal of Julia as a language is, to purposefully do that.

Is Julia a language that is aimed at beginners?