Julia 0.7.0-alpha is now available

I can confirm:

tamas@tamas ~/src/julia % gunzip -c julia-0.7.0-alpha-linux-i686.tar.gz > /dev/null 

gzip: julia-0.7.0-alpha-linux-i686.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error

gzip: julia-0.7.0-alpha-linux-i686.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--length error

The 64-bit binary used to have the same problem (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/27358) until @staticfloat fixed it

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see Issue: build_sysimg (slightly) broken for Linux for a work-around.

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Can anyone let me know how I can add 0.7.0-alpha to my JuliaPro so that I can do debugging with 0.7.0-alpha and at the same time still compare with 0.6.2? I did some search, and didn’t see any similar discussion. Thanks!

You can download 0.7.0-alpha here: Download Julia

Sorry. I failed to make my point clear. I wonder if there is a way that I can easily toggle between 0.6.2 and 0.7-alpha in JuliaPro. Currently, I have to change the julia path every time in JuliaPro and restart. Any easier alternative? Thanks!

I don’t know about JuliaPro, but to go back and forth at the command line, I simply set up symbolic links,
so I have julia4, julia5, julia6, julia7 (whatever my most recent build of master is), and plain julia, which points to the same as julia6 (currently julia 0.6.3). (I also have julia60, julia61, julia62, julia63 links, just in case I want to check if some issue is a regression)

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Thanks for the hint. That works perfectly with terminal. However, in JuliaPro, julia is invoked only with enter at REPL. There seems no way to select a path. If there isn’t such a toggle, may I suggest to enable such a switch between different paths. This can save JuliaPro users like me tons of time when sometimes going back and forth is a must.

@pfitzseb Any comments?

Is there a way to install juia 0.7 alpha using anaconda? I am using conda environments to track different Julia/Python/R version, so I would be happy if I could simply create a new conda env with Julia 0.7.
Thanks (:

I think you are referring to Juno, Julia’s IDE that comes bundled in JuliaPro, not to JuliaPro itself, right?

That is the Atom editor with a Julia plugin installed. Atom is highly customizable, so, my guess is that you can created a key-binding for doing that. But I don’t use Atom, so I don’t know how to set that…

Yes, you’re right. It’s about Juno. I thought too that something must be there to accustomize easily. But it is not that easy, unfortunately.

It’s not that easy – Juno doesn’t really support 0.7 yet (see here for progress on that).

You can however open another Terminal in Atom (type New Terminal into the command pane) and start Julia 0.7 there.

Thanks! It seems that I’ll have to wait a bit. :frowning:

Just out of curiosity, is there an anticipated timeline for beta, release candidate, etc. ?

if you look into Milestones - JuliaLang/julia · GitHub you see a 1.0 dated to 6aug which is coincidentially the day before JuliaCon2018 (London, 7aug to 11aug).

So, i theory we will see beta(s) and RCs lined up before that date.
In practice a lot of face-to-face discussions in London will shape a ‘real’ 1.0.


One can never tell with software, but I imagine no end of candles being burned on both ends over the summer, by the core team as well as package developers like me, making sure things are ready for JuliaCon.

@oxinabox Thank you very much for posting this link. Having some small examples really helps!

I have both my JuliaPro installation and the new julia-0.7 alpha on my linux machine. I was expecting both of them to use the existing .juliarc.jl. But I guess I was wrong. So, how to link julia-0.7 alpha to the existing ./juliarc.jl? Thanks!

Symlink ~/.juliarc.jl to ~/.julia/config/startup.jl.

Edit: And move the content from .juliarc.jl to startup.jl since that is the new default file.

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Thanks. It seems that I don’t have a directory called config under ~/.julia.