Is there a faster bisection root solver (that uses atol)?

This should be type stable (but didn’t test it thoroughly):

using Statistics: middle

    bisection(f, a, b; fa = f(a), fb = f(b), ftol, wtol)

Bisection algorithm for finding the root ``f(x) ≈ 0`` within the initial bracket

Returns a named tuple

`(x = x, fx = f(x), isroot = ::Bool, iter = ::Int, ismaxiter = ::Bool)`.

Terminates when either

1. `abs(f(x)) < ftol` (`isroot = true`),
2. the width of the bracket is `≤wtol` (`isroot = false`),
3. `maxiter` number of iterations is reached. (`isroot = false, maxiter = true`).

which are tested for in the above order. Therefore, care should be taken not to make `wtol` too large.

function bisection(f, a::Real, b::Real; fa::Real = f(a), fb::Real = f(b),
                   ftol = √eps(), wtol = 0, maxiter = 100)
    @assert fa * fb ≤ 0 "initial values don't bracket zero"
    @assert isfinite(a) && isfinite(b)
    _bisection(f, float.(promote(a, b, fa, fb, ftol, wtol))..., maxiter)

function _bisection(f, a, b, fa, fb, ftol, wtol, maxiter)
    iter = 0
    abs(fa) < ftol && return (x = a, fx = fa, isroot = true, iter = iter, ismaxiter = false)
    abs(fb) < ftol && return (x = b, fx = fb, isroot = true, iter = iter, ismaxiter = false)
    while true
        iter += 1
        m = middle(a, b)
        fm = f(m)
        abs(fm) < ftol && return (x = m, fx = fm, isroot = true, iter = iter, ismaxiter = false)
        abs(b-a) ≤ wtol && return (x = m, fx = fm, isroot = false, iter = iter, ismaxiter = false)
        if fa * fm > 0
            a, fa = m, fm
            b, fb = m, fm
        iter == maxiter && return (x = m, fx = fm, isroot = false, iter = iter, ismaxiter = true)