This discussion is growing beyond the Julia ecosystem and community.
What started as a “How about a Julia simplex solver” has turned into more of a “we need more high-performance open-source solvers”. Since this is a Julia forum, well, why not write them in Julia too?
OR forums like would be a good place to discuss this topic.
At the heart of the discussion, I think, is the following: there is currently a dichotomy between commercial solvers, which are robust, efficient, but few and pricey, and open-source ones, which are free but not as good.
I feel it’s important to know how it came to be that way.
The main reason is that the performance of (commercial) MIP solvers stems from decades of continued development: there is no silver bullet, but a lot of small enhancements that eventually add up to tremendous performance improvements. That effort is possible because money is being paid to support a team of developers (typically half- to a dozen people).
Open-source solvers, on the other hand, tend to be one-off developments, sometimes followed by some level of maintenance. SCIP --albeit not technically open-source-- is the only successful example I know, and they have industrial partners that fund (parts of) its development.
Developing a new solver, and getting it adopted, faces a chicken-and-egg problem: no one will use it until it’s good, but it takes time (and money) to build something good. In addition, AFAIK, there is no example of a viable business model out of an open-source solver. Atoptima, whose team develops the column-generation framework Coluna.jl might become a nice case study.
Finally, open-source modelling languages go a long way in addressing the lack of competition between solvers (and how strategic any one product can become): if your country’s power grid planning is tied to CPLEX, when CPLEX disappears, you are in big trouble. If you could switch to Gurobi/Xpress/Mosek/LocalSolver/SAS/Knitro/Baron/Octeract/etc. in a glimpse, it’s already less of an issue. (think about how containers made it easy to switch between platforms & cloud vendors).
I would be very curious to see an MBA case study on something like “how many optimization solvers should there be in the world”?