Is it possible to do this? I need this for my package Reduce.jl
Let’s say I have a bunch of functions, call them fun
and I need a macro for each
macro fun(expr)
But I need to automate this using code generation. So I want to do something like
for fun in [:name_of_func, :name_of_another_func]
macro $fun(expr)
## what to put here ?
Now, so the line of code needs to look like this, but it needs to appear inside the quote:
julia> :($fun($(Symbol("\$expr"))))
But how can I nest an expression like that inside of a quote?
So the expr
needs to be interpolated into the output quote of the macro, and all of this needs to happen within a quote block.
Please let me know if it is possible, how to do it. Hopefully, question makes sense to everyone.