InteractiveViz - an interactive visualization toolkit for large datasets

I have a 2D data to plot in iheatmap. The data has positive and negative values. I try to plot:

fig=Figure(;size = (800, 600))
ihm = iheatmap(fig[1,1], DAS.time, DAS.offset ,, colormap=cm, colorrange=(-10000,10000))
Colorbar(fig[1,2], ihm.plot)

And get this figure

Here all the bins in the heatmap are color to the max value of the pool, and the data is not represented very well. A lot of the bins should be red as the max amplitude (that is abs of the value) in the bin is actually negative.

A nice option would be to have something saying: if the sum/average of all the values to be pooled is negative use the minimum value, and if the sum/average of all the values to be pooled is positive use the maximum. Or something like that hehehe.