Inner product grammar is neater than sum(index) in JuMP modeling, But triggers Warning?

This is a “bug” in MutableArithmetics, where we don’t have support for SubArray. The biggest problem in Julia is that there are no formal interfaces, so things work until they don’t, and then you hit a MethodError.

I’ve opened an issue: similar_array_type with SubArray · Issue #316 · jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl · GitHub


I was insane💀, since I could have written:

sum(p .* M_vector)

or in my “another example”

sum(p .* eachslice(M_Array; dims = 3))

which were concise, although still a slight bit of inconvenient compared to

ip(p, M_vector)

But after all, the MethodError in MutableArithmetics is revealed💀.

I’m fixing MA: Fix similar_array_type for SubArray by odow · Pull Request #317 · jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl · GitHub


When I run ip(p, M_vector), I get

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching zero(::Type{Matrix{AffExpr}})
The function `zero` exists, but no method is defined for this combination of argument types.

Closest candidates are:
  zero(::Type{Union{}}, Any...)
   @ Base number.jl:310
   @ Dates ~/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.11.2+0.x64.linux.gnu/share/julia/stdlib/v1.11/Dates/src/types.jl:460
   @ Pkg ~/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.11.2+0.x64.linux.gnu/share/julia/stdlib/v1.11/Pkg/src/Resolve/versionweights.jl:15

 [1] neutral_element(::typeof(+), T::Type)
   @ MutableArithmetics ~/.julia/dev/MutableArithmetics/src/reduce.jl:25
 [2] fused_map_reduce(::typeof(add_dot), ::Vector{VariableRef}, ::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
   @ MutableArithmetics ~/.julia/dev/MutableArithmetics/src/reduce.jl:44
 [3] operate(::typeof(dot), x::Vector{VariableRef}, y::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
   @ MutableArithmetics ~/.julia/dev/MutableArithmetics/src/implementations/LinearAlgebra.jl:508
 [4] dot(x::Vector{VariableRef}, y::Vector{Matrix{Float64}})
   @ MutableArithmetics ~/.julia/dev/MutableArithmetics/src/dispatch.jl:58

I have opened an issue dot product fails when the result is a matrix · Issue #318 · jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl · GitHub

Does it mean that after this revision, I could write

transpose(p) * [rand(2, 2) for _ in 1:length(p)] # p::Vector{JuMP.VariableRef}

without seeing an red ERROR messag?
This transpose(p) * v Grammar is also likeable, a bit better than sum(p .* v)

Yes, transpose(p) * v redirects to LinearAlgebra._dot_nonrecursive which is then caught by MutableArithmetics because eltype(p) is a JuMP variable and so it’s then redirected to MutableArithmetics.fused_map_reduce(MutableArithmetics.add_mul, p, v) which is working now with Fix fused_map_reduce when result is a matrix by blegat · Pull Request #319 · jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl · GitHub

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We just released MutableArithmetics v1.6.1 with the fix