Hello, I´m new in Julia language. I´m thinking to write a framework that allows me to work with evolutionary algorithms. I come from Java language and the first idea that I had was to create a type hierarchy. I´m using Julia 0.6.
Just for illustrating what is my problem. I have the following type that represents an individual of the population.
struct Individual{T}
#Inner constructor
Individual{T}(ngenes::UInt) where T<:Number = new{T}(Vector{T}(ngenes))
Suppose that I want to create a composite type that inherits of Individual, for instance, an individual having a binary or real representation, in such a way that in the new composite type I would not need to declare the chromosome field. For instance
struct BinaryIndividual <: Individual
#Inner constructor
BinaryIndividual(ngenes::UInt) = new{Bool}(ngenes)
I have tried several manners to do this, but I always got the following error:
invalid subtyping in definition of BinaryIndividual.
The only way that I have found is declaring Individual as an abstract type, but in this case, Julia does not allow me to put any field into the abstract type, therefore I must to put the chromosome field into each composite type that inherits of Individual, and this is not actually a good OOP practice.
My question is: Is there a way to do this in Julia?,