Amazing, something like Core.Compiler.return_type
is what I actually needed.
I was not familiar with this feature, @Mason thanks for mentioning it!
Now I can do this:
@test !isa(return_type(type_unstable_function, Tuple{Int64, Int64}), Union)
Which should fail.
And these should pass
@test !isa(return_type(type_unstable_function, Tuple{Float64, Float64}), Union)
@test !isa(return_type(type_unstable_function, Tuple{Float64, Int64}), Union)
and they do.
This does not cover the case return_type
returns Any
So some extension is needed for the above tests.
I’ll manage and thanks again!
This would work for a function that can return a Union
or an Any
@test !any(x -> isa(return_type(type_unstable_function, Tuple{Int64, Int64}), x), (Union, Any))
and is extendible.