When making a custom type, like a struct
, the author of the custom type often provides a version of Base.show
specialized to that type. Here is a good pattern to follow:
struct MyString
mystring = MyString("my string") # shows: MyString("my string")
# this is used to handle a call to `print`
Base.show(io::IO, x::MyString) = print(io, x.s)
# this is used to show values in the REPL and when using IJulia
Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/plain", x::MyString) = print(io, x.s)
mystring = MyString("my string") # shows: my string
print(mystring) # shows: "my string"
mystring = MyString("my string") # shows: MyString("my string")
this information comes from a Discourse entry written by Steven G. Johnson