How to speed up ipopt with HSL ma86 using parallel processing

I thought this model looked familiar:

Your build issue is constraints like this:

for f in F
    if f == "NULL"
    B = sum([decision_var[f, r, i, t, d] * matrix_1[r, i, t, d] * matrix_2[r, i, t, d, f] for (r, i, t, d) in product(R, I, T, D)])
    A = sum([decision_var[f, r, i, t, d] * matrix_1[r, i, t, d] * matrix_2[r, i, t, d, f] * matrix_3[r, i, t, d, f] for (r, i, t, d) in product(R, I, T, D)])
    C = sum([decision_var[f, r, i, t, d] * matrix_1[r, i, t, d] * matrix_2[r, i, t, d, f] * matrix_4[r, i, t, d, f] for (r, i, t, d) in product(R, I, T, D)])
    AB = A / B
    CB = C / B
    expr = AB * (1 - CB) - CB
    @constraint(model, P_lower[f] <= expr <= P_upper[f])

JuMP doesn’t (currently) exploit repeated subexpressions, so even though you have only 5103 variables, there are 14,885,451 terms in the Hessian. That’s a lot!