How to read Panda's DataFrames from json file?

I’m not sure you can by changing the for loop, but you can use it in the last line like
df = permutedims(reduce(vcat,rows), :KeyID)
although I’m sure that’s occurred to you.

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df=DataFrame(keys=[k for k in keys(jsobj.Var)]) # Get list of row keys from anywhere. 
# "Var" is the first easy symbol to write 

# Then take all the values to put in the column
for sym in keys(jsobj)
    df[:,sym]=[getproperty(jsobj,sym)[k] for k in keys(jsobj[sym])]

put in a more general form


foreach(s->df[:,s]=collect(values(getproperty(jsobj,s))), keys(jsobj))

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How would you write it in order to have it transposed? (i.e. the columns changed to rows)

You mean this?

[dff dfr]


hcat(DataFrame.([(keys=collect(keys(jsobj)),), NamedTuple.(values(jsobj))])...)
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Exactly! Thank you.

I’ve been meaning to make a package for this for ages, and this post has prompted me to start one: GitHub - cjdoris/PandasIO.jl: Read/write Pandas dataframes


julia> using PandasIO, DataFrames

julia> df = PandasIO.read_json("00_stats.json", DataFrame)
32×105 DataFrame
 Row │ dRBYd        dTD/RZ      dYd/G      PuntRt      ToPLead    Con%     ⋯
     │ Float64      Float64     Float64    Float64     Float64    Float64  ⋯
   1 │ -0.00361946   2.02676    -0.20186   -0.712688    1.32705    1.24077 ⋯
   2 │ -1.18115      0.29747    -0.664647   1.71805    -0.551793   0.23976
   3 │  0.826444     1.24938     2.45037    1.8372      0.611967   0.23976
   4 │ -0.177354    -1.73326    -0.929148   0.288203    1.02793    1.64227
   5 │ -0.988114    -0.511649   -0.657791   0.574172    1.00456    1.09227 ⋯
   6 │  1.54069     -0.0674266   1.46255    0.550341   -1.78566   -1.50924
   7 │ -0.351088    -0.495784   -0.496853  -1.26079    -0.103114  -0.75573
  ⋮  │      ⋮           ⋮           ⋮          ⋮           ⋮          ⋮    ⋱
  26 │  0.208722    -0.162617    0.969991   1.98018    -1.40241   -0.25523
  27 │  1.0967      -0.210212   -0.342591  -0.402888   -0.304085   0.23976 ⋯
  28 │  2.29353     -0.654435   -0.109844   0.717156    0.541861   0.74026
  29 │ -0.814379     0.884479    0.431427   0.0498956   0.471755   0.74026
  30 │ -0.505518    -0.860681   -1.2411    -0.212242   -0.308759  -0.50823
  31 │ -0.486215    -1.01933    -1.2005     0.598002   -1.13601   -0.25523 ⋯
  32 │ -2.04982     -0.130887   -1.56045    1.19377     2.07485    1.74127
                                             100 columns and 18 rows omitted

Also see GitHub - JuliaPy/Pandas.jl: A Julia front-end to Python's Pandas package. especially if you need some edgecase exactly like it is in pandas.