How to pass variables to several levels up without going through headings (arguments) in functions

The same thinking as fortran is probably why I like so much Julia. Aside greek symbols, subindices and defining operator symbols. Extremely easy to read, hence to understand and maintain. And as a plus, getting rid of Matlab. All this is why I want to move my code to Julia (apart from engaging my much-younger students into it).

Again, thank you all a lot for all the support to the novice!

Iā€™m not in the field and to be honest donā€™t even know what is is (fine elements? Arenā€™t they all? Iā€™ve never met an infinite one!) but I thought Iā€™d mention that thereā€™s a well maintained library/ecosystem here

which might be of interest. (Iā€™d tag Petr as well if the Discourse tagging thing would work on mobile!)

Reminds me of this Ed Post quote from '82:

The determined Real Programmer can write FORTRAN programs in any language.

On the other hand, I probably just tend to write Common Lisp or Haskell in Julia :wink:

const diam = splat((:))āˆ˜extrema

If the only purpose is just to pass a large number of arguments, I pack them into a NamedTuple. Which can be extended (by merging), mutated (by merging), unpacked by name or by position, or passed as kwargs.


(There is also Gridap.jl and some other packages ā€¦ I seem to remember a summary of Julia FEM packages somewhere, but I canā€™t find it at the moment.)