How to make vscode aware of user modules

So here is the situation: the VS Code extension starts a new julia instance that is the language server. That code for that instance is scripts/languageserver/min.jl. We run that instance with a modified JULIA_DEPOT_PATH and a modified LOAD_PATH, and we shouldn’t change that. The reason they run with modified values there is to completely isolate the language server from anything that is going on in the users .julia folder, which has greatly helped us with setup and stability.

The language server process then starts another process, which we call the symbol server process. This process runs with JULIA_DEPOT_PATH pointing to the users .julia folder. In that process we load the packages that the user uses and extract all the information we need for the language server.

So broadly speaking what we would need to do is make sure that the symbol server process runs with the LOAD_PATH that @ufechner7 customized. One question: how did you customize the LOAD_PATH? By setting the env var JULIA_LOAD_PATH? Or just in your julia code?

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