How to make dynamic plots with slider bars

No problem, and just to give some examples:

in a Jupyter notebook:

using Interact, Plots
## Interact.WebIO.install_jupyter_nbextension() # might be helpful if you see `WebIO` warnings in Jupyter
@manipulate throttle=.05 for λ=0:.1:5, μ=0:.1:5
    xs = range(0.0, 1.0, length = 100)
    Plots.plot(xs, x -> λ*x^2 + μ)

or with Mux (a webserver):

using Interact, Plots, Mux
mp = @manipulate throttle=.05 for λ=0:.1:5, μ=0:.1:5
    xs = range(0.0, 1.0, length = 100)
    Plots.plot(xs, x -> λ*x^2 + μ)
ui = dom"div"(mp)
WebIO.webio_serve(page("/", req -> ui), 8001)

then go to localhost:8001 in a web browser.

or with Makie:

using Makie

λ_slider = Makie.slider(0:.1:5, label="λ", raw = true, camera=campixel!, start=1.0);
μ_slider = Makie.slider(0:.1:5, label="μ", raw = true, camera = campixel!);
xs = range(0.0, 1.0, length = 100)

ys  = lift(λ_slider[end][:value], μ_slider[end][:value]) do λ, μ
    [ λ*x^2 + μ for x in xs]

plt = Makie.plot(xs, ys);
scene = Makie.hbox(plt, Makie.vbox(λ_slider, μ_slider), parent=Scene(resolution = (800, 800)))

Note it’s probably a good idea to have separate sessions for using Plots + Interact vs Makie since they export things with the same name (plot, slider, vbox, etc), or just qualify everything as I did here (e.g. Makie.plot). These were adapted from some code I had from ~6 months ago, and there might be better ways to do the Makie code in particular. The Makie gallery has a lot of examples as well.