How to get more info on w ∈ workers()

1 i’m not sure about that but seems RemoteException type is for this purpose, maybe you can refer to julia manual here Distributed Computing · The Julia Language

2 you can use Distributed.map_pid_wrkr function to map the pid to a Worker type, then you can lookup the hostname, such as Distributed.map_pid_wrkr[pid] config field is a WorkConfig type, and all field name can be obtained by using Distrbuted; fieldnames(WorkerConfig), that is (:io, :host, :port, :count, :exename, :exeflags, :userdata, :tunnel, :multiplex, :forward, :bind_addr, :sshflags, :max_parallel, :connect_at, :process, :ospid, :environ, :ident, :connect_idents, :enable_threaded_blas).