How to display Float64 with many digits in Julia 0.7

Thanks @rfourquet for taking a look on this.

I am not sure, but as far as I can trace this down (for the example above), I think the problem is related to this method of show. There, :compact => true is set, perhaps overwriting what may be defined by the context of io. Is this correct?

As a side remark, the hack proposed here actually works:

julia>, x::Union{Float64,Float32}) = Base.Grisu._show(io, x, Base.Grisu.SHORTEST, 0, true, false)

julia> a = MyType{Float64}(randn(5))
MyType{Float64}([-1.449833577704765, -0.10839395960990496, 3.141203529351768, 0.7843448324558726, -1.3296269838447883])