How to discourage macros: disable automerge of General registry PRs?

I feel like macros in Julia are a quite self-regulating because they are difficult to implement. At least every time I’ve written a non-trivial macro it quickly turned into “This is really hard… Is there any way I can do this without writing a macro?”

As such, I don’t see that there is a problem with overuse of macros across the ecosystem.

Also, in the other thread, there seems to have been some confusion between defining macros and using macros. Difficulties with, e.g., jumping to the definition of a macro are a tooling problem (and IMO, immature tooling may be Julia’s biggest concern, but just a consequence of the language being so young), not a problem of macros per se. Certainly, macros are very much at the core of the language (@test, @assert, @show, @warn, @printf, …) and calling them is completely normal.

As for writing macros, the warning in the manual applies, but I really don’t think we need to do anything to nudge people away from them beyond that.

Are these ideas good?

Sorry, but no :wink: